styling a collected pine. a project for this coming season, spring 2017.

styling a collected pine. a project for this coming season, spring 2017.

By on November 17, 2016 in FEATURES

Purchased this collected pine this year, confirmed it was collected 2015 and has recovered well, nice new bud development. It is about two feet tall, the bark is well plated with the trunks and branches being flexible.       This pine at Omiya is good inspiration for the design of my pine, a similar […]

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Creating a Bonsai group planting

Creating a Bonsai group planting

By on July 28, 2016 in FEATURES

Creating a Bonsai group planting Group plantings replicate a number of trees growing together in a copse, wood or a forest and show the interplay between the trees and their branches as they compete for light and nutrients Spring is the best time of year to create a group planting. First of all choose suitable […]

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Styling a Juniper

Styling a Juniper

By on July 24, 2016 in FEATURES

 A semi cascade juniper needing to be styled. take a look and try to imagine how you would style this small juniper before you continue reading the post. Rear view of the same tree.  Decided on design that is a little different,it is to have a low hanging foliage mass, so removed all the upper […]

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Grafting techniques for Bonsai

Grafting techniques for Bonsai

By on May 23, 2016 in FEATURES

Grafting techniques for Bonsai In Japanese: “Tsugiki” – in grafting you “meld” a stump (the root system and a small portion of the trunk) and a graft (the upper portion of the trunk, including branches) together. This technique is often used to combine strengths of two different plants together in one new plant. For Bonsai, […]

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Displaying Bonsai

By on April 19, 2016 in FEATURES

BONSAI DISPLAY  Creating a good display is important and has a few simple rules Asymmetric balance and harmony should be achieved in a good display. The aim of a display is to impress the viewer and should be soothing not jarring to the eyes. If the tree has its mass concentrated on the right and […]

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